Friday, August 19, 2011

Loser Du Jour!

They are partying on the North Side of Chicago right now, because the Cubs have finally put the kibosh on Jim "I'm The Absolute Worst Cocksucker There Is, Don't Make Me Tell You Twice" Hendry!!!!! Woah! Sayonara, Jimmy, you no-good fuckin loser, you!!! I rather bank with Bernie Madoff, than have you run my team! I'm not kidding! I would rather stick my prick in a bucket of hot tar, than have to look at your ugly mug one more fuckin day! How many more awful contracts could this cocksucker hand out!?! If I didn't know any better, then I'd think Hendry and Brian Cashman came out of the same fuckin vagina! The Chicago Cubs are a flagship franchise of Major League Baseball, and the fans deserve a whole heckuva a lot better than Jimmy Jerkoff! Yup! I said it! Imagine being Hendry's friend growin up?

"Hey, mom, can Jimmy Jerkoff sleep over tonight?"

"No, son! Are you fuckin insane!? Now go to your room, and stick that Sega-Genesis controller up your dickhole, or else you're grounded for a fuckin decade!"

Hendry probably didn't even have a fuckin sleeping bag! Suck my delectable dick, you fuckin doofus! Wow! Has it been a long nine years or what with this fuckin guy?! The 56-year-old disgrace was hired back in July of 2002, and he hasn't accomplished shit throughout his tenure in Wrigleyville. The Korbel is flowing out of the windows at Slugger's, so get down near the park, and enjoy the celebration! Vienna Beef's on Uncle PMAC all day long!!!!! What a scene, as fans are throwing bags of shit out on to Sheffield Avenue, while Hendry is trying to dodge them left and right! Don't let the crap hit you on the way out, pal!!!!! Good fuckin riddens!