Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Summer Reads: The Shopaholic Series

So I've been reading a lot lately ever since I've found this amazing that that allows me to download books for free.I think I mentioned it on 
this blog before but if you can't be arsed to go and look for it leave me a comment and I'll respond with the link. Anyhoo, I've be reading a ton of chick-lit lately because I'm on vacation and need the brain candy lol.
First up are the Shopaholic Series by Sophie Kinsella. I've read them all and found them to be great reads if you're looking for something that's funny and a bit easy to wrap your brain around. Well a lot easy. Kinsella's style is easily identifiable and every book is pretty much the same. You have your heroine Rebecca Bloomwood who has a serious shopping addiction. She buys what she needs. And what she doesn't need. And drives herself into debt in the process. At first I found her addictions to be identifiable. I mean we all make purchases that can be a bit senseless at times *eyes growing lipstick collection that is hardly worn* even when we don't need them but after a while Becky's irresponsibility attends to get on your nerves (well mine anyway). She can be a bit shallow and selfish and downright annoying especially when it comes to her boyfriend turned fiance turned husband (which really cements the fact that men go for ditzy chicks but that's another post). Her annoying tendencies aside, the books themselves lack any real plot but I find myself needing to finish them once I've started lol.

I'd definitely recommend if yo just end a light beach read or something to pass the time at the Doctor's office.