Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Quote Of The Day!

"Them n----s never speak to a n----a," he says. "They don't chuck me the deuce or nothing. N----a spent all that money on them f------ tickets ... Come holla at me. We sit right by them little b----a-- n----s. At least come ask me why I'm not rooting for you." - Lil' Wayne*

The quote referenced above is from the most recent Rolling Stone cover story on Lil' Wayne, and his comments are directed towards Dwayne Wade and Lebron James. Apparently the two Heat losers think they are too cool for the New Orleans rap artist, who recently just got out of jail. I apologize for these two helmets, Lil' Wayne. I don't know what you expect, when you have Lebron making fuckin kids cartoons all day. Fuck going to Heat games, pal. I think you'd have a better time at Cheryl Miller's birthday party!!! I rather put my prick through a carwash, than root for those cocksuckin clowns! Seriously! Only allow me to drink fuckin soy milk for the rest of my life!!! Goodness fuckin gracious! I rather sit on an elephant's trunk! Kudos, Weezy!!!