Monday, January 17, 2011

Loser Du Jour!

I can think of plenty positions I would rather be in, than be head coach of the Oakland Raiders. In a nutshell, this job is strictly for losers only , and it even says that on the application. Congratulations, Hue Jackson, you're that lucky loser! The Raiders have promoted the former offensive coordinator to become their leader, and it couldn't be a more garbage choice. Then again, what the fuck do you expect from a maniac like Al Davis? Hue Jackson? I think I rather have Uncle Ben running the show more than this jerkoff. What team has this guy ever even coached other than the Raiders? The West Canaan Coyotes, perhaps? Gimme a fuckin break, it's probably Hue Jackson's fault that The Green Hornet had a great weekend at the box office. How many more times are you going to see this fuckin movie, Hue?!?! Isn't seven times enough so fuckin far!?!?! Fuck Hueeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, you loser!!!!