Saturday, November 5, 2011


(2007) ***1/2

Hector is just your ordinary guy, he spots a naked girl in the woods near his house while looking through his binoculars. So he decides to take a walk and look for her. He then finds the woman is lying in the grass. While Hector checks to see if she is dead, he's attacked by a strange man with his head all wrapped up in a bandage. He then runs into a building that turns out to be a research facility where he hides inside a strange closet. Hector soon realizes it was actually a time machine when he sees himself standing over the unconscious woman. From here he is caught in a whirlwind of unfortunate events as he tries desperately to make things right.

This film has been in my queue forever, I don’t know why I was putting off watching it. The plot is intriguing, it had me hooked from start to finish. It’s a refreshingly new take on time travel and pretty amazing for a low budget flick. It takes balls to tackle time travel in this day and age without the aid of cgi, and still make it work. Oh and for those of you who appreciate such things, there are boobs.