(1993) **1/2
This gets **1/2 because of the plot, definitely not the damn acting. Same warlock(thank goodness), but whole other opponents. After being reborn under an eclipsed moon, the warlock returns to collect rare crystals that will open the gates to hell. In this battle, its the druids that will fight him. I just don't like Paula Marshall(female druid fighter). After hearing her whining in Hellraiser 3, she whines in this movie. She's just a terrible actress, just terrible. The rest of the druids are ok, though. My fav part of the movie is when the warlock picks up a midget and puts her in the iron maiden and closes the door...heheh. She screams funny. Sorry, but she does. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that he gets a haircut for this sequel. You also see his nakedness when he is born :)