Friday, November 4, 2011


(1991) **1/2

The eeeeeevil vampire Radu returns home. He kills his father and steals the coveted bloodstone and winds up in a war with his handsome brother Stephan over it. Two American girls vacationing in Romania get caught in the middle of the family feud.

The only thing that remains remarkable about Subspecies, is the fact that it was actually shot on location in Transylvania. Some of the scenary is so gorgeous I wished the actors would move out of the way so I could get a better look.

"Eeeeeeew this place is crawling with bad cgi!"

"What? I don't see any resemblance."
Radu, who looks an awful lot like the Marvel character Morbius, can chop off parts of his body, which grow back, to make these little fellas. Early 90’s cgi, ugh, we are so spoiled now. The story itself seems more like something from an old ‘70’s Hammer Film. If it weren’t for the synthesized music, bad cgi critters and some goofy dialog, that is. Some films just don’t hold up over time, Subspecies is one of them.