Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Loser Du Jour!

Is it chilly outside or is just me?! Good morning from the Cabin, and sayonara to Terrell "Doodystick" Owens, as the 38-year-old wideout had not one single NFL team-rep show up to his solo workout yesterday at Calabasas High School in California! T.O. had 72 catches for 983 yards receiving, to go along with 9 touchdowns in 2010, despite missing two games, yet nobody wants to fuckin touch this guy! Seriously, folks, you'd think Owens was like one of the monkeys in Outbreak! Where the fuck is Dustin Hoffman when you need him!? Where's Rene Russo and her loose twat?! Enough is enough! This fuckin guy is about as cool as a run-on-sentence! I wouldn't go near this jagoff, and I walk around with a fuckin  flagpole for a prick! Try steering clear of losers with that between your fuckin legs! Uncle PMAC might be a vendor for stainless-steel tampon disposals, but he's also a client! Let's be honest with ourselves, more people watch that prick Jake Steinfeld exercise, than they do T.O.! I have a better chance at posing for Playboy, than this loser does at making a NFL roster!! Get some juice, Owens! Like LaDanian Tomlinson once said, "If you ain't jerkin, you ain't horny!"