Monday, October 31, 2011

CC Sabathia To OPT Out Of Contract Today!

CC Sabathia will opt out of his current contract today, while leaving 4 years and $92 million on the table in the process. Hey CC!?! Don't let the fuckin door hit you on your fat fuckin ass on the way out, pal!!! Make like Gabe Fuckin Walker, and take a hike!!! Seriously? How isn't this piece of trash the fuckin mascot in the Jack Links commercials, right? Messing with fatty!!!!! If the Yankees are smart, then they will let this cocksucker walk, and not extend him into his 40's when he'll most likely appear to me more of a sumo wrestler, rather than a starting pitcher. How many fuckin albatrosses does Brian "I'm Worthless" Cashman need?! Why continue to bid against yourselves for a pitcher who is on the decline, and highly liable to break down due to severe weight problems? He has gone 59-23 with a 3.18 ERA during the regular season for New York, but the numbers are incredibly distorted if you ask this fuckin prick! This fat fuck is like the fuckin Hindenburg for goodness sakes!!! He's 31 years old, and he's going DOWN!!! The Yankees should go with the youngsters, and allow this cocksuckin Cap'N Crunch-eating slob to go wherever he pleases. Now sit!!!!!