Saturday, October 1, 2011

Troll Hunter

(2010) *****

Yep, 5 stars. What do you get when you cross The Blair Witch Project with Cloverfield? You get Troll Hunter, a better film than both. Toll Hunter continues the popular trend of “found footage” cinema. Here the found footage involves three university students who disappeared after setting out to make a documentary about illegal bear poaching in the vast mountainous landscape of the Norwegian countryside.

Initially their documentary is lackluster but it soon becomes more interesting when they decide to follow, Hans, a surly investigator who wants nothing to do with college students and video cameras. Undeterred, the trio begins following him and soon discovers Hans making mysterious trips deep into the forest late at night. One evening his agenda becomes horrifying clear when explosions are heard, trees are knocked over, and Hans races past the students screaming, “Troll!!!”

It would be terribly unfair to give away any more of this surprisingly engrossing monsterfest. The trolls are absolutely terrifying and once they show up you will be glued to the screen until the final credits roll. A scene involving a troll cave is particularly effective and the climax is jaw dropping, making you finally appreciate the scope of the job Hans has been taxed to deal with. There were times when I forgot that I was not watching a real documentary. Despite the silly premise, the material is treated seriously with a great respect for troll mythology. The FX are nearly flawless, which is especially impressive given that this is a low budget film, and the sound is chilling (I recommend watching it with the volume cranked up).
Although Trollhunter borrows aspects from other “found footage” films, it adds its own distinct stamp and is by far my favorite of the genre. My only disappointment is that I fear I have already found my favorite movie of the season and it’s only the first day. Troll Hunter!