Monday, October 17, 2011

Eden Lake

(2008) ***1/2

Jenny and Steve, a couple, go vacationing to a remote lake to relax. They are annoyed by a group of teenagers playing loud music on the beach. When they ask the kids to turn down the music, the response is rude and hostile. They shake it off and decide to not let it ruin their vacation. The next day the kids steal their car, when Steve confronts the youths in an attempt to get the car back, the scene turns physical. In the scuffle, one of the kids’ dog is accidentally killed, this triggers a violent explosion among the teens. Steve is captured and tortured while Jenny, hiding from the teens, watches helplessly.

These "stuck in the woods with psychopaths" type of films almost always get to me. It’s just such a tense predicament. Wandering through strange woods, lost and being chased by a pack of murderous teens. Somehow teens are scarier than adults, I think part of it is, they are physically strong in their youth so they can run and they’re fast. Also, teenagers without moral constraints seem so much more dangerous. Than there is the number of kids to contend with, more kids, easier to surround the area. I really hated those little bastards, the poor couple just wanted to relax. Good film, very intense.