Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Blood Harvest

(1987) *1/2

"At night when the mask is off I look at myself. I may make the world think I'm happy but I can't hide the truth" 
The only and I mean only reason to check out Blood Harvest is to witness oddball musician Tiny Tim in a rare film appearance. Tiny Tim, whom I vaguely remembered as a none-of-my-business children's entertainer with a ukelele, piqued my curiosity after his song Tiptoe Through the Tulips added a deliciously eerie vibe to Insidious. My interest was enhanced by his portrayal of "The Marvelous Mervo" here. I recently learned that Tim was not a novelty act or a "character" afterall. He was always himself - an entertainer whose peculiar personality, look and falsetto vocals made him a late night talk show phenomenon in the 60's and 70's. His shtick became increasingly unfashionable over the years but despite the ridicule, he always made a genuine effort to make the world smile, even when it was at his expense. In this way one might label him... a clown.

Which brings us to the garbage movie in question. Unfortunately Mervo is merely a supporting character in an otherwise tiresome exercise in blandness. He is a wild card in a lamer story about Jill, who returns home from college and finds her parents missing and her home vandalized. The cops are typically unhelpful. Her ex-boyfriend Gary consoles her and assists her in her search for answers but his motives can't be trusted. Mervo is Gary's quirky brother who has dressed like a clown ever since the death of his own parents. Every scene that he appears in is captivating and every scene without him is a painful waste of time.

You can view the whole movie here but I would rather you watch the first 50 awesomely clownish seconds (five times in a row) and then move on with your life.