Saturday, October 1, 2011

Dr. Phibes Rises Again

(1972) *** 1/2

Dr. Phibes arises once again in an attempt to resurrect his beloved Victoria. This of course involves a series of interesting murders. He went with an Egyptian theme this time around, snakes and scorpions galore! Perhaps I’m evil, but I really enjoy watching Phibes pick off these tight assed English dudes. One by one they fall victim to his hand.

Although this slightly lacked in luster as compared to the first film, it still maintains the overall weirdness. The interesting deaths are a constant, however, this sequel is more plot heavy. I seriously didn’t feel bad for anyone who gets killed, they all seemed deserving to me, even the guy who is crushed to death in a giant vise. This version is a bit more whimsical, including some slinging of a few good one liners. If Phibes had a fan club, I’d join it.