Thursday, September 22, 2011

Countdown to Horrorthon Contest! 9 days to go: Post Something

Well all right! That's some decent response to the first day's challenge; we heard from JPX, JSP, Cat and myself -- not an unexpected turnout from the regulars -- and then also, to my delight, Trevor, who we generally see less of in the off season. Way to represent, Trevor! There are still some regulars not hopping on my bandwagon, and I will be pestering some of you individually.

However, my main point is not to pester but to entice participation, so one we go with contest Number Nine. Post something!

This is an exercise to limber up your blogging muscles. Just a warmup. Find a picture and post it, along with a couple words. Those words can even be "a couple words" if you like. Review the donut you had for breakfast, compose a haiku about the last trashy novel you read. Anything. Slap it up there and we'll comment on it. I'll keep moving this post up to greet newcomers.

Remember: you enter, you win.

Horrorthon is coming!