Thursday, September 22, 2011

Chowder Du Jour!

I want to start off by apologizing to the unwashed masses for my lack of attention to detail, as I've yet to put up a Prick Cabin photo-spread of ESPN's newest and hottest sideline reporter - Ms. Jenn Brown. For those of you who don't know this smokeshow blonde, allow me to say that she makes Erin Andrews look like the ugly fuckin duckling! Ok?? Do you follow what I'm saying? I'd like for Jenny to straddle my butternut squash, and call it a fuckin love story! Have you ever heard of the Iron Chef? Well, I'm the Iron Prick! I walk around the cocksuckin office all day long with an anvil in my fuckin trousers!

"Geez, Uncle PMAC, you're really dragging ass today!"

"Well, what the fuck do you expect, Tony Danza? My junk weighs more than a fuckin brontosaurus!"

Jenn Brown serves up pussy piccata every Thursday, and I'm first in fuckin line at the buffet table! I remember back in my college days I used to get excited about Chick-fil-A day, but now I'm all grown up. Now I like to eat girls out in the Cabin Cafeteria! Has Uncle PMAC been arrested before? Sure I have, a few times actually, and each time I've done my community service hours sweeping the floors at the local titty bar! What more can I say? I enjoy a nice bowl of chowder in September, and Jenny makes the best clam bisque in town! Enjoy!