Friday, September 23, 2011

Prick Cabin Weekly Q & A!

Good afternoon, folks, and welcome to another edition of the Prick Cabin Weekly Q & A. Today we have a special guest on a Football Friday, and his name is Mike Vick! Vick is coming off a concussion he suffered in last week's loss to Atlanta, but he's looking forward to getting back out on the field Sunday afternoon versus the New York Giants. I caught up with Vick at the Cabin just a couple hours ago, and he had some interesting things to say. Enjoy...

Uncle PMAC: "How are you, Mike? Thanks for coming in today. First off, I have to ask you one question. How's your head feeling from the concussion last week?"

Mike Vick: "Honestly, Uncle PMAC? Like your face - it needs surgery."

Uncle PMAC: "Interesting, so are you saying you trust Mike Kafka?"

Mike Vick: "(laughs) I wouldn't trust Kafka with my dog, man."

Uncle PMAC: "Do you enjoy playing for Coach Reid?"

Mike Vick: "Do fat kids love cake?"

Uncle PMAC: "My mother told me never to answer a question with a question."

Mike Vick: "Well, I'm not your fuckin mother, so shut the fuck up and wear it, prick!"

Uncle PMAC: "Who is Ron Mexico?"

Mike Vick: "Ron Mexico is a smooth operator with the ladies, he knows how to make the pussy really wet, (laughs) you know what I'm saying? That motherfucker never wears condoms, and if he did, he'd have to wear a Hefty bag."

Uncle PMAC: "What's your take on the Giants this weekend?"

Mike Vick: "My take is that we're going to stomp all over those punks! That wigger Tom Coughlin ain't gonna know what hit his ass."

Uncle PMAC: "Who has the smallest babydick on the Eagles?"

Mike Vick: "(chuckles) Ha, that's an easy one, Trent Cole. That nigga has the smallest babydick anyone has ever seen. I even brought a magnifying glass and a pair of tweezers into the showers after practice the other day because I heard him complaining he had to take a leak."

Uncle PMAC: "Favorite actor?"

Mike Vick: "Paul Rudd."

Uncle PMAC: "Favorite actress?"

Mike Vick: "Charlize Theron."

Uncle PMAC: "Favorite entertainer?"

Mike Vick: "Me."

Uncle PMAC: "Three dinner guests?"

Mike Vick: "Nancy Lopez, Danica Patrick, and Picabo Street."

Uncle PMAC: "Favorite meal?"

Mike Vick: "Collard greens, and biscuits with gravy."

Uncle PMAC: "If you could have one prick in a foxhole with you, who would it be?"

Mike Vick: "Cesar Millan."

Uncle PMAC: "In closing, Mike, how far do you expect the Eagles to go this year, as you guys are now sitting at 1-1?"

Mike Vick: "We'll go as far as I want to go. Who knows? Maybe I don't give a shit? Maybe I do. All I know is that I'll fuck all the motherfuckers that wanna fuck."

Uncle PMAC: "Well, you really need to wake up and smell the Starbucks, pal. Good luck the rest of the way."

Mike Vick: "(laughs) No thanks."