Thursday, September 22, 2011

I need a better system

For the past 11 months every time I have opened my desk drawer at work I have seen this crumpled piece of paper taunting me, reminding me that I’m lazy. What is it, you ask? It’s the final page of my Horrorthon film list from last year. When I watch movies for this silly contest I find myself scribbling down the film titles on any scrap of paper I can find.

Looking at this list now I see that I attempted to create a “system”. I crossed out the films I have already reviewed and highlighted what I have left. What was I going to do with the highlighted films once I reviewed them? I never got that far. It’s a terrible and confusing system and each year I’m determined to be more organized about it.

For the past 11 months I have been determined to finish my reviews. Given that we are going to start a new contest in 9 days I realize that I have been kidding myself. I’m never going to finish last year’s reviews any more than I’m going to sign up for intramural football. When I look at this list I don’t remember a single thing about any of these films. This year I am going to be more disciplined about this, damnit!