Thursday, September 22, 2011

Now I Want a Cupcake

About six months ago I was strolling around town listening to KISS, minding my own biddy. T’was a lazy Saturday afternoon and Walnut Creek was being Walnut Creek. The whiteys walked around blathering about yoga and farmers markets while the minorities… well there are no minorities in Walnut Creek. But then something remarkable happened. I passed by the cupcake shop (yes we have one of those) and glanced through the window. I don’t normally remember details but this image was seared into my brain forever (or about six months).

Two big fat guys sat on stools, facing each other. Between them lay a red table and on the table rested two cupcakes. The two fellas were engaged in a lively conversation and both were laughing heartily. The cupcakes looked moist and irresistible but neither gentleman acknowledged the sugary treat that was within reach. There was something so simple and beautiful about the scene that lay before me. As I stared at them awestruck I was flooded with questions. What were they laughing at? Whose idea was it to pop by the ol’ cupcake shop? What kind of cupcakes did they order? Who would take the first bite? What did that creamy pink frosting taste like? Did I see peanut butter? I fantasized about going in to introduce myself. Perhaps if I bought them the next “round” then they’d welcome me into their inner circle. I considered taking a picture with my phone to capture the glorious moment but I had already been staring for about 10 seconds and I didn’t want to be rude. I’ve regretted not taking a picture ever since.