Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Quote Of The Day!

"Randolph got upset about the price. He thought the price was too high. He snatched the weed out of my hands, like, aggressively, he snatched it like basically saying, 'I'm taking your weed.'" - James Beasley (Marijuana Dealer)*

Apparently Zach "Z-Bo" Randolph hosted a party the other night at his house in Oregon, and when he got his grass delivered, he wasn't too thrilled with the price. So what do you do when you disagree about what you're supposed to pay for weed? You get your buddies to beat the piss out of the drug-dealer with a bunch of pool cues! Bingo!!! Lock it up, Z-Bo! That's your pot, and you want it now!!! Randolph didn't think he had to pay $200 for the reefer, especially when he just signed a four-year extension back in April for a paltry $71 million!!! How about the fact the dealer's last name is Beasley!?! Any relation to our pal Michael!?! Smoke 'em if you got 'em!!!!!