Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Say What?

“I think we need to find someone out there to beat New England besides us. I think that would help [us win the division]. Anybody out there that wants to sign up for it: Are you good enough as a team to beat the New England Patriots? Forget about us, are you good enough to go out there and beat the New England Patriots? I’m challenging the league.” - Rex Ryan*

Am I lost or something? Seriously? Does one fuckin playoff win against the New England Patriots make the New York Jets superior to them? Super Bowls don't mean shit anymore? I don't know, maybe it's me, maybe I'm a little fucked up maybe, as Nicky Santoro would say! I've just never seen a team in the history of my fuckin life pat themselves on the back for losing conference championships the way the Jets do. I'm sorry, but I've never ever seen it. Ever. Congratulations, you made the playoffs two years in a row, got to the AFC Championship Game, and lost both times. Aren't you supposed to win that game before you can even talk Super Bowl? I guess I'm old-fashioned, I guess I like Sanka instead of Starbucks! Who the fuck does Rex "Fatso" Ryan think he is, anyway? Sergeant Fuckin Bilko?!?! Give me a fuckin break! Unbelievable!!! Enough is enough! Vin Diesel called, Rex! He wants his tribal tattoo back!