Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Say What?

"He had a moth fly into his ear, deep into his ear. I don't even know what happened to it." - Tony La Russa*
Excuse me? What the fuck happened here? Apparently a moth flew inside the ear of Cardinals outfielder, Matt "Every Day Is A" Holliday, last night in a 2-1 loss to the Los Angeles Dodgers. Holliday was forced out of the game, and brought to the zoo for evaluation, so lets hope this fuckin prick doesn't have moth balls up his yin-yang for the rest of the season! Alright take it easy, Holliday was taken into a dark room and trainers put a light by his ear to try to lure the creepy insect out. That didn't work so they used a utensil to get the moth, which was still alive and flapping its dick, out of Holliday's ear! You can't make it up, folks. Similar to sluts, the hits just keep on coming...