Thursday, July 28, 2011

Teeny tiny update!

I'm ecstatic! I've finally broken through my weight plateau. I've been a bit hum drum lately because I've been eating right, exercising daily and and drinking loads of water and my weight had stabilized after losing about 7lbs. I wasn't sure what else to do other than press on. And I'm glad I did. I FINALLY broke the plateau, losing 3lbs from the weight I had stabilized at *happy dance* I'm not sure what I did and chances are it could be just water weight because I haven't been to the gym for the week (laziness). So this is definitely motivation to keep going!

Also, I'm not ready to post my start weight as yet. I've set a short terms goal for myself that ends on August 11th and I'm hoping to shed a certain amount of weight by then but let's just say that my start weight is definitely the heaviest I have ever been in life, ever. I am., however, keeping track of the changes on Fit Day so a post with all the changes is possible in the future!

That's it for that! Have a great day loves!
