Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Golden State Warriors Hire Mark Jackson!

Mark Jackson has finally been hired as a head coach in the NBA, as he'll be leading the talented Golden State Warriors into battle for the 2011-2012 season (if there is one). You know what they say, right, Mark? Be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it. Jackson has been in the running for a few different teams the past couple of years, but was never awarded a job. Prick Cabin applauds the Warriors and Jerry West for branching out, and being creative with this particular hire. Who needs another fuckin Rick Adelman? Or Jim O'Brien? Enough is enough with the fuckin retreads, folks! The NBA recycles coaches a lot more than the Cabin recylces cans, I'll tell you that much. As a matter of fact, I don't recycle a single fuckin thing, and I happen to be proud of that. Who am I kidding? I fight the Battle of the Bulge in my pants every fuckin morning! I have enough on my plate! I feel like Anthony Fuckin Weiner! I'm just a horny squirrel trying to lick a clit! Jackson played for seven different teams during his 17-year playing career, he was the 1988 Rookie of the Year, and is one of only four players in NBA history to record at least 10,000 total assists. Congratulations to Coach Jackson, from your friends at Prick Cabin, and when I say friends, I mean myself, the sluts, and the beers, so congratufuckinlations, dick dog!