"What kind of person celebrates death? It's amazing how people can HATE a man they have never even heard speak. We've only heard one side... Those who judge others, will also be judged themselves. For those of you who said you want to see Bin Laden burn in hell and piss on his ashes, I ask how would God feel about your heart? " - Rashard Mendenhall*
Is this asshole serious? What the fuck is going through this cocksucker's head? I'm sorry, Steelers fans, but Mike Tomlin should cut this guy. I know you pricks might think that's harsh for a moronic statement, but this is an incredibly touchy subject. Did Mendenhall ever go to class in Champagne? I don't understand how someone could say something so fuckin dumb!! I'm amazed at this jerkoff! Simple Fuckin Jack knows more than this dicklicking creep! Deport this fuckin fuck immediately! There is no chance that Steeler nation will forgive Mendenhall for these ridiculously ignorant comments. Nice work, Rashard, now go do us all a favor, and slurp on Rosie O'Donnell's fuckin tampon!