Friday, April 29, 2011

Prick Cabin Sports Friday!

You can put it on the boarddddddddddd.....YES! Good morning on an absolutely gorgeous Friday from Prick Cabin!!! Get out of my bed, ladies! I have twats to see, and places to be! The Carolina Panthers might have made a terrible decision last night when they decided to take Cam Newton with the first selection of the 2011 NFL Draft! Woah! Newton sees dollar-signs, and pussy galore in his future, and I don't fuckin blame him! How about the Lakers last night, huh? Did they mean business or what! Sionara, Hornets! You guys are fuckin out!!! Kobe and company buried the bees, 98-80! Take a seat, Chris Paul! We have plenty to cover on a beautiful fuckin day in the Tri-State, as magic carpets are zooming around the Cabin everywhere you look! Where's that cocksucker Aladdin when you need him!?! I'm exhausted already, but lucky for me I have a fuckin queen-size Aerobed in my khakis! If you can't get horny on a Prick Cabin Sports Friday, then I'll fuck a spiral notebook, and call it a career! We're having cheeseburgers for breakfast today, baby!!! Let's fuckin go! TGIPCSF!!!!!