Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Loser Du Jour!

Let's not kid ourselves, folks. We all knew Lance "Limpdick" Armstrong was nothing but a complete fuckin fraud! New revelations have come forth from the U.S. Food & Drug Administration suggesting Armstrong was doping throughout his Tour de France run, from 1999-2004. What a fuckin shocker! I was more surprised when I found out Ricky Martin was a homo! Livestrong? More like Livewrong! This prick has been lieing to us the entire fuckin time! Unbelievable! Lance Armstrong makes Fletcher Fuckin Reede blush for Christ sakes! I'm tired of America giving this cocksucker a free fuckin pass! Keep slurping on Floyd Landis's syringe, you jerkoff! I didn't learn how to ride a bike without training wheels until I was eleven years old, and I'm still better than you! So how about you blow my fuckin kickstand, while I bang your wife on my Huffy 10-speed! Sit, loserbreath! SIT!!