Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Ron Artest Loves In-N-Out Burger!

"I could've bought 10,000 In-N-Out Burgers," Artest said. "I rather would've done that than give it away. I'm going to get 10 burgers [after Monday's game]. I love In-N-Out. It's addicting. It's the only reason I'm here in L.A. If it wasn't for In-N-Out Burger, I probably would've gone to Memphis or something."

You can't make it up, folks. I'm sorry, but Ron Artest simply never gets old. This guy doesn't have a few screws loose, he has an entire brain that is looser than Jenna Haze's fuckin vagina! I've never seen a player so happy about having a technical foul rescinded!!! Who says they rather play in Memphis than Los Angeles because of a fast-food chain?!?! Ron Artest does!!!! I guess if it wasn't for fuckin strip clubs and cable tv, then I'd just live with all those Amish pricks!