Sunday, January 16, 2011

Jets Roll Into AFC Championship Game!

I accept full responsibility for being a serious Sunday loser! That's right, folks. I fucked up today, and I went against everything I believe in. The entire week, all the analysts and experts picked the Patriots to win tonight's matchup. How many times did we hear about how Brady hadn't thrown a pick in his last 300+ passsing attempts? Unbelievable! The outcome of this game was almost too predictable, but I refused to embrace it. Shame on me! If I had any guts, then I'd force myself to eat nothing but Taco Bell for the remainder of the fuckin week! The Jets talked the talk, and walked the walk this evening. Quite frankly, I'm fuckin embarrassed and ashamed of myself. I might as well be Frank Fuckin Caliendo! I might as well cheat off of Butch McRae's test! I don't even deserve to sleep on the fuckin couch tonight! I don't even deserve a fuckin futon! Looks like it's going to be a lonely night on the ottoman for me!!!