Tenemos lectores de extrema derecha y de extrema izquierda e intermedios, muchos amigos (nos tratamos con mucho respeto) y uno que otro enemigo.
Si te llega este email con esta foto revolucionaria (ver abajo), sólo quiero que sepas que a pesar de que Chávez ganó por mucho en las ultimas elecciones (aunque siempre tengo dudas del supuesto apoyo que tiene) jamás mostró aglomeraciones como las que se muestran aquí. De hecho, las fotos de sus mítines políticos NUNCA las tomaron desde edificios porque se notaban que no estaban totalmente llenas. Siempre las tomaban de la tarima para no mostrar que convocaban menos gente de la oposición.
Cualquier persona de Venezuela (chavistas y antichavista), sabe que esta manifestación fue de la oposición. De hecho, esto fue antes del referendo revocatorio y fue tomada desde un edificio (el gobierno prohibió los vuelos, justo después que se tomaran fotos aéreas de manifestaciones que no lo dejaban bien parado en términos de apoyo popular. La excusa: Motivos de seguridad)
Lastimosamente, en Venezuela, no importa cuánta gente se mueva en la calle al final siempre va a haber un vicepresidente que diga que no le impresionó, que no había nada de gente. Y se ha demostrado que las manifestaciones no ganan elecciones y mucho menos cuando se junta la tecnología y un Consejo Nacional Electoral con mayoría gubernamental.
Sin embargo estas fotos de las manifestaciones en contra de Chávez, la usan para promocionar a Chávez…..en Siria -como en la foto- o en cualquier país donde el lobby chavista lo vende como el redentor de los pobres y oprimidos (no tienen fotos tan impresionantes de ellos mismos).
Aquí les dejo la fotito a mis amigos extranjeros (repito los venezolanos sabemos que estos no eran chavistas), no vaya a ser que equivocadamente corran la voz de que Chávez mueve esa cantidad de gente en la calle.
Aquí les dejo el artículo que salio en el diario Tal Cual del Martes Abril 3 , 2007 (recomiendo pagar la suscripción a este). Por eso, es que a la oposición no le conviene que les cierren los medios de comunicación –RCTV, por ejemplo-, porque del otro lado no van nunca a denunciar toda la corrupción que la misma gente del gobierno reconocen que hay.

Chávez en La Carlota.
Esta fotografía anda circulando por internet, supuestamente como pieza promocional de la gesta de Hugo Chávez alrededor del orbe. En la misma aparece el rostro del comandante messmo, junto a una bandera de Siria y la imagen de una multitud congregada alrededor de... ..¡La Carlota! Sin duda, se trata de un error revolucionario, no sólo comprensible, sino además, con atenuantes. Si no, recuérdese la famosa portada de Granma, el panfleto oficial de la dictadura cubana, en el que se alababa la popularidad de Chávez usando por “equivocación”, la foto de una marcha opositora.
One of the good thing about "DeCualquierVaina" is that we do allow comments from anyone and about anything (although we try that people do not insult), including from anonymous. We are not like pro-Chávez blogs and websites like "Aporrea" that publish any lie or "half truth" and do not let people like us refute, disprove or go against any nonsensical thing.
We have readers from the extreme right, extreme left and people in between; many of them are friends (we treat each other with lots of respect) and others see us as enemies.
If you happen to receive this email with this "revolutionarian picture" ( see below ), I just want you to know that even though Chávez won by more than 20% the last elections (I doubt a lot this big difference in votes) he NEVER was able to put this crowd together in any of his political rallies (even though they paid people to attend not only from the capital city of Caracas but had the infrastructure to bring people from other parts of the country). In fact, pictures from his rallies were never taken from top of buildings or airplanes because they would have shown that they were not packed and the people were scattered around. They always took pictures from the movable platforms from which he gave his speeches so that it would not show there were less people than the ones summoned by the people that opposed Mr. Chávez.
ANY person from Venezuela (pro- and anti- Chávez), knows that this manifestation was from the anti-Chávez movement. It was before the plebiscite to dismiss Chávez from power. It was taken from a building (the government prohibited flights over Caracas, just before aerial pictures were taken that showed massive popular disapproval. The excuse: Security Matters).
It is a shame that in Venezuela, it does not matter how many people go to the streets to complain about "the beautiful revolution", there is always going to be vice-presidents pronouncing there were not many people and were not impressive. It has been demonstrated that huge political rallies do not win elections, let alone when technology and electoral national council with governmental majority go hand by hand.
Nevertheless pictures of political rallies against Chávez, are used to promote Chávez…..in Syria -like in this picture- or in any place of the world where the "Chavista" and full of money lobbying presents him as the oppressed and poor's redeemer (it is understandable if they are not able to find a picture as impressive as this one in the archives of their manifestations).
Here is the picture, for my foreign friends (again, WE venezuelans know these people were ANTI-Chavistas), just in case someone wrongly spread the word that Chavez can summon this high amount of crowd.
Here is the article from the journal Tal Cual (Tuesday April 3rd, 2007 (I recommend to subscribe to it because it is one of the most objective journals in Venezuela nowadays). This is the reason why the anti-chavez movement is against closing of communication means - like TV channel RCTV, for example-, because on the front sidewalk no one is going to denounce all the corruption that even government spokesmen recognize the existence.
Chávez in La Carlota.
This picture is traveling the internet, supposedly as a promotional piece of the heroic deed of Hugo Chávez around the world. In it, appears the face of the Commanding Officer, by a Syrian flag and the image of a crowd around... La Carlota ! Make no mistake, it is a revolutionarian error, not only comprehensive, but justifiable. Just remember the famous cover of "Granma", the official pamphlet of the Cuban dictatorship that praised the popularity of Chávez using "by mistake" a picture of an opposition march.