Wednesday, June 1, 2011

NBA Creep Of The Week!

What genius let this fuckin creep within a hundred yards of the arena last night? Where are the Miami cops?! I thought Johnny Tapia was fuckin dead already!?! I'm not kidding when I say I've never even met a Heat fan in my entire life! Where was this creepface when that cocksucker Rony Seikaly was patrolling the paint!? The Miami Heat took Game 1 yesterday evening, as they defeated the Mavericks 92-84, despite a poor shooting night from Dwyane Wade, and the fossilization of Chris Bosh! Speaking of fossils, look at this creep's teeth! Sweet braces, metalmouth! Four-eyes called, he wants his best friend back! There's not a doubt in my mind this jerkoff went solo to the game last night! Who the fuck would ever be friends with this prick, let alone communicate with him? I've met cooler pricks at the local fuckin billiards club, than this fuckin helmet! Get a life, pal! You couldn't even spell Heat last year! The Cabin is ornery on a hazy and humid Wednesday!