Monday, November 14, 2011

Loser Du Jour!

If you're the Kansas City Chiefs, then how the fuck do you lose a NFL game 17-10, to a team and quarterback that only had 2 completed passes the entire game?! Well, I don't know about you fuckin pricks, but I'm pretty sure I know the answer! Tis' a sleepy Monday at the Cabin, as Uncle PMAC is coming off a very rough weekend full of good old-fashioned fun! However, I wouldn't be doing my job if I let the Chiefs slide by on this one. How could you lose to Tebow's Broncos, when the virgin quarterback only completes two fuckin throws?! Let's be honest folks, Tebow had more completions against the Chiefs, than the amount of pussies he's seen in his entire life! The guy went 2-8, and Denver had a very balanced attack with 55 runs, and just 8 throws?!?!?! My goodness sakes, I have as many cashews in my beanbag, as passes he connected on yesterday!!!! I'm not pointing any fingers, and there might be jizz coming out of the Cabin chimney, rather than smoke, but still! Let's call a spade a spade, here! Who the fuck does Tebow think he is!?! Russel Fuckin Stover!?! The Chiefs ought to be more embarrassed than the prick from American Pie who has his dad walk in on him banging the fuckin dessert! It's about frost-brewed fuckin time someone ripped the Chiefs for this disgusting performance! If I rooted for a team that lost this kind of game, then I'd pound my prick like it was the fuckin bongo-drums, and call it a fuckin career!