Wednesday, June 8, 2011

NBA Creep Of The Week!

Woah! Get a load of this fuckin creep!!! Is this the prick from the NBA commercials or what!? Hide your children when this jerkoff walks in the building, huh? Yikes! I'm having nightmares just from looking at this guy! The fuckin freak show called, they want their main attraction back!!! I really hope this prick is single, because any broad who dates this guy must be about as confident as "Pat" from SNL! When was the last time this creepshow took a shower, folks? I bet you all a million fuckin bucks apiece, he's never taken one in his life! The guy smells like pure fuckin leather, and he's still a virgin! Disgusting! I swear I'll go stick a fuckin 12" cheesesteak up my fuckin fanny, and walk around like I have a loaf of doodystick in my fuckin underpants, before I'd ever show up to a game looking like this cocksuckin Creepface!!! Kick him off the tour, Doug!!!! Enough already!