Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Loser Du Jour!

What kind of loser goes 3-11 from the field for 8 points in Game 4 of the NBA Finals, and has the audacity to act like the cat's meow non-stop? LeBron "Queen" James, folks, or as I like to call him - LeFag. Similar to Madonna or Pele or PMAC, except LeFag is French for - "Flaming Loser." What's that cocksucker Scottie Pippen have to say now? Seriously? Where's that melted-nose-prick hiding? He sounds pretty fuckin quiet if you ask me! I never want to hear a comparison between LeFag and Jordan again! NEVER! Would His Greatness ever take just one shot in the fourth quarter of a NBA Finals game? Would Jordan ever look so passive, and so scared to have to take a fuckin shot?! The answer is no, and if you disagree with me, then you can sleep with the fuckin porcupines tonight! I swear it's fuckin blasphemy when I hear the LeFag-MJ hogwash! I can't take it anymore!

"If I had eight points and we won, I wouldn't really care about that," James said. "The fact that I could have done more offensively to help the team, that's the anger."

See, that quote is a perfect fuckin example of what's wrong with this loser! Brush your teeth, dickbreath! We're all tired of you puking up excuses left and fuckin right! Sit, you loser!!!! Sit in the fuckin corner, and play pocket-pool with your pathetic pencil-prick! The Mavericks evened up the series last night at two games apiece with a thrilling 86-83 victory down in Dallas.