Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Cabin Cookbook!

One of my favorite sayings has always been, "If it smells like fish, it's a dish, but if it smells like cologne, leave it the fuck alone!" Well, folks, tonight the Cabin turned into a real fuckin seafood house, as I prepared a delectable dish I like to call - Broiled Tripod-Striped Bass! Woah! I'm telling you, pricks, when you cook this up, make sure to put the oven fan on high, and crack open the kitchen fuckin window (unless you want to invite your friends over and make them believe you just had an orgy with 3-5 broads)! Follow the recipe below:

Uncle PMAC's grandpa went out of Pt. Pleasant,NJ this past Thursday and caught a boatload of fuckin Striped Bass, they sliced it up, and put it on cocksuckin ice. So what do you do when you get your hands on the fresh-frozen-fish? You stick it down your pants, and watch an episode of G-String Divas! Ouch! Regardless, put the fish in a fuckin bowl, and drizzle some olive oil on it, then get the low-salt soy sauce out, and splash it with a couple of tablespoons of that dark juice! Next thing you know you're crackin some fresh black pepper and sea salt on that fuckin fish, while slipping in a few slivers of freshly sliced garlic. Unfuckinbelievable! The finishing touch? Sprinkle a tad of paprika, and jam in a couple tabs of salted-butter. I promise you, folks, you won't be disappointed. If you are, then you can turn to page 500 of my hardcover Cabin Cookbook, and slam it shut right on the old sausage! Make sure the cocksuckin broiler is hot, and cook the fish for 5 minutes on one side, and 4.5 on the other! Bon Appeprick!