Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Say What?

"To go to the Giants and get to play the Redskins twice a year after them feeling I wasn't capable any more, I think that would be outstanding." - Clinton Portis*

Sorry, Clinton, but I'm not so sure the Giants would want your old legs on their roster anyway. I know it's the thought that counts, but so fuckin what? If Roger Goodell had a pussy, he'd be a girl right? WRONG! That's a trick fuckin question, pricks! The commissioner has a fuckin twat the size of Australia! Woah! I don't want to hear any NFL shit until this fuckin lockout gets resolved, because until it is, everything is moot. If the 2011 season starts on time, then I will slice off my junk, and toss it on the grill for Labor Day weekend!!! Ouch! Look, ma! No dick!!!!!