Tuesday, May 31, 2011

NBA Finals Preview!

Care for a prediction, geniuses? Prick Cabin is selecting the Dallas Mavericks and Dirk "Dickbreath" Nowitzki to finally have their moment in the sun, as they will beat the Miami Heat in 6 grueling games. Get ready for a lot of fuckin foul shots, and a lot of cumshots, because Lebron and D-Wade will be on their knees most of the series. The two biggest crybabies in the league will be sticking Tootsie Rolls up their fannies, while bitching at the officials for every call in the cocksuckin phonebook! I truly believe the Mavericks are poised to finish the job this time around, and get some revenge for their 2006 NBA Finals defeat to Pat Riley and company. Dallas is the deeper, and more experienced team in this spot, and they aren't just happy to be here. Tyson Chandler will be able to handle Chris Bosh, so look for the dinosaur-look-a-like to lay plenty of eggs on the hardwood over the next two weeks. Ewww! The 2011 NBA Finals have finally arrived, and Prick Cabin says it's time to put out the fuckin flame...Mavericks In 6 Is The Prick! Stick your sausage in a mint chocolate-chip Klondike bar, and settle in, folks!!! Buckle up your seatbelts, and get a blowjob while you're driving! It's Mavericks & Heat next on ABC!!!